Organic CBD Oil for Your Best Health
Hello! We’re glad that you landed here in your search for a beyond organic CBD oil and we’re quite impressed that you scrolled all the way down to this part of our page. It shows that you have curiosity and stamina and a strong swiping finger. These are qualities that will serve you well on your journey toward a more-rounded wellness. Yes, even a strong finger is important!
We started Bravo Botanicals because we were looking for some relief. Just a bit of a pressure-release from some of the daily stresses that tend to accumulate over time and make the days a little less sunny. Some days it’s physical pain. Some days it’s relentless mental gymnastics. Some days it’s both. And then some.
So we were looking for some relief. Is that why you’re here too? We suspect that it is and we’re happy to let you know that we found some in the organic CBD and CBDA products that we began crafting. It was never our intention to be involved in the process all the way from seed-to-shelf. We just knew that we liked cannabis and wanted to grow some henp plants. But, as it happens sometimes, one thing led to another. Now we are even doing our own in-house processing with an oil press, extracting organic CBDA and other raw cannabinoids that are opening up even more healing possibilities from the magical cannabis plant.
And through all this, our greatest and most pleasant surprise continues to be hearing all the positive feedback from people who have used our products over the years. And it is the promise of providing continued service to those in need that continues to drive our efforts.
So, we hope that you find something here like we found something here. We’ve learned that Wellness follows Nature and we remain focused on that ideal so that Bravo can help to bring better wellness to you.
Thanks for visiting.
Ben & Andy